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What are you changing this new year in your business?

Updated: Feb 16, 2023

Let us know in the comments! The beginning of the year is a great time for reevaluation. Make this year a fresh start that will help you grow!

Here are some questions that might help!

What has worked for you so far to grow your business?

Reevaluating is not just reflecting on what did not work, it is so important to also focus on what did! Understand what did work and capitalize on that and build off of it. Sometimes when looking back at a whole year we can be surprised by what has paid off as it might not look that way day to day in our business. Sometimes all we need is some perspective change.

What has not worked for you business?

Often, we spend a lot of time doing things in our business that might not pay off at all. This is just the reality of having any business. But, it is important to reflect on this so we can move forward and adjust our strategy or change it completely. Keep in mind, some things are longer term investments. Things like websites, search engine optimization, and content marketing do take longer to establish and see the reward.

Are the clients you have worked with the ones you want to be working with long-term?

We all start somewhere and sometimes we get off track of our goals or dream clients just to make some money. But, are those clients the ones that you want to work with and the ones that are going to help your business grow? This is different for every business but we all have an idea of our ideal client.

If you aren't working with you dream clients, some changes might need to made. Maybe the way your brand is presented doesn't attract the correct audience. Maybe the verbiage you use to describe your business doesn't connect with that dream client. If you have a specific problem like this, you can fix it through research, brainstorming and strategy. There is a way to solve it and there is a way to reach them, so we have to find that disconnect and then make the needed changes.

What needs to be changed to scale your business according to your goals?

The goals of a business are never one size fits all. They are different and those goals should guide every decision your business makes. Maybe you haven't reached your goals, but are you on track? If not, find out why and what needs to change to move in that direction.

Is your business helping you actually reach your life goals?

Once again, the goals of a business are never one size fits all. Do you desire to build a large business? Do you want to have a family business to sustain for generations? Do you want extra spending money? Do you want to build a business so that you can live a certain way? Do you want to leave a legacy of reputation or inheritance? Are you wanting to help people and make the world a better place?

Everyone has a reason they are in business and that always shapes the business. If you don't know why you do what you do, make sure you spend time understanding this! If you know what your goals are...are you on track for that? If not, what needs to change? If so, what is working and how can you capitalize on that?

We want to help you! Often an outside perspective is just what you need!

We specialize in strategy and branding. This is a huge part of goal evaluation because usually branding, communication, and alignment are a large part of the problem if you aren't on track with your goals. We want to help our clients build the business they want! Let's talk and see how we can help you!!


Check out our blog Why We Decided to Rebrand...Should You? for more related information.

Also, check out our blog on Is It Worth Designing Your Own Website?


Kimberly Norris | |

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